Monday, October 31, 2005


Summer State League

With the start of the City Touch Season, just a reminder to all people planning on playing State League this summer: Trials are coming up soon.

Also, to be eligible to play for CSTA you need to be playing at City Touch this season. That means you must qualify for finals in at least one City Touch team.


Summer State League Coaches

Central Scorpions Touch Association is calling for expressions of
interest in positions coaching the following teams in the TouchSA
Summer State League 2006:

This season, due to a change in the structure of the State League, the
CSTA committee envisage a higher level of integration between the
teams, and the coaches will be expected to ensure this happens as a
part of their responsibilities.

Coaches must be NCAS Level 1 or higher. Expressions of interest, with
a short list of experience and the names of two referees must be
submitted to the Central Scorpions Touch Association by Friday,
November 4th 2005.

Applicants will be notified on Monday, November 7th.

Trials will be held on 18th, 20th & 27th November, games begin 15th
January, and will run on Sunday evenings. Trainings are planned for
December and January.

Positions as Assistant Coach for the various teams will also be
filled. People applying for these positions are expected to be NCAS
Level 1 or higher, or intend to undertake a Level 1 Coaching course at
the earliest opportunity. Applications for these positions will be
made at the same time, but the committee reserve the right to appoint
coaches after this date if no satisfactory applicants exist.

Further information regarding these positions is available on request
from Matthew Schinckel, CSTA head coach, on 0422 11 86 11, or