Friday, January 20, 2006


Hot weather - training cancelled

With the weather above 41°C, and not looking to abate, there will be no training tonight.

All players are asked to be there by 2:30, in order to watch the Mixed. Remember it is a double header, so bring lots of water. We are hoping to have a couple of eskies full of ice, but if anyone wants to bring their own, that would be great. We are also hoping to have some shades out, and again anyone with a shade structure is welcome to bring that too.

Gavin will announce the Womens teams by SMS later tonight, and Ban may do the same for the Mens - he's on 'the range' as we speak, so I think that means he is 'working'.

As for cancellation information about Sunday - this is the info from the Conditions of Entry:

Hot weather policy is a temperature of 41 degrees or higher as at 2pm on the Sunday of competition on the Bureau of Meteorology website, listing for Kent Town.

If the temperature is 41 degrees, games will be cancelled and rescheduled to the following week, creating a double-header if one is not already programmed. If the double-header round is cancelled, the games will be rescheduled to the next two (2) scheduled weeks, creating a double-header on these weeks.

If the temperature is 39-40 degrees at either of the above times, games will go ahead on the scheduled date, but will be postponed by a minimum of 1-hour with modified games played as 4 x 10 minute quarters with a 2 minute break between the first and second, and third and fourth quarters, and a 5 minute break at half time. This format will continue until Touch SA announces a return to the normal game format, guided by a drop in temperature below 39 degrees.

If you SMS 'stateleague' to 19 30 30, you will get up to date info as to the cancellation status. This service will be updated hourly from 12noon on the 22nd January.

See you all this weekend!

Monday, January 16, 2006


Results from Round 1

Congratulations to all teams in the big wins we had on Sunday.

The day started with the Mens Grudge match against Wolves. With three ex-Scorpions players in the Wolves team, we had a lot to play for. The boys came through in fine form, with a fantastic first half. We kept it over them for the second half, and ended up with a 9-4 victory.

Next up was the Mixed open, and right from the start Scorpions took control of the game. With only 4 girls, we maxed out the male players to 8, and worked hard to take advantage of the extra players. With a final score of 11-4, the game should have been even more of a whitewash, but for a couple of late touchdowns Wolves scored in the closing minutes.

To close the day the Women played. A little short on girls this week, we played with 11 players. This meant the two wingers, Tessa and Mel (two of the younger players) played the whole game without subs! Well done girls. Playing against a very young Wolves team, the game looked fairly even in the first half, but Scorps worked hard to overcome them by the final siren. Final result: 5-2.

Training will be on Friday at 6pm as per usual, but next Sunday is the Double Header. Game times are:

Round 2.

Round 3.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


State League Draw

TouchSA has announced the State League Draw:

This week's games are:

Sunday, Jan 15th 2006
Mens Open @ 5:30pm vs. South West Wolves
Womens Open @ 7:30pm vs. South West Wolves
Mixed Open @ 6:20pm vs. South West Wolves

I'll put up the rest in a day or so, or you can go have a look yourself.